Saturday, 14 May 2011

One of those days.

Today was one of those extraordinarily rare days that just don't happen. I'm having my final exams this and the next week and today I was writing algebra. The test lasts 3 hours and is devised into 4 sectors of escalating difficulty. So here's what happened.
1 hour has passed since the test began and I have already solved Ύ of the test. Now, with 2 whole hours left I was focusing on that annoying as fuck sub-question of the second section. At first I thought “What the hell, I have 2 hours, I can do this”, but as time went by and I literally had no fucking clue whatsoever on how to solve this, stress kicked in giving way to a minor panic attack.(At this point I know this sounds a bit like overreacting but trust me, where I live, these exams are the alpha and omega. It's like 18 years of preparation just to achieve a high score in these exams). Minutes later, I was desperate. Clock started racing, my mind was empty and I had 2 full A4 pages filled with whatever junk popped in my head.
5 minutes before the bell rings, I decide to write all that junk to the clean paper and hope to get even a point for something remotely related. And then something magic happened. As I was letting my pen down, literally seconds before the bell, it all became clear. I wrote down the answers and left with a big ass smile on my face... Unbelievable.


  1. I feel for you, thuesday I have my first exam, 2 hours of science..

  2. Good thing im done with school ... following +

  3. sounds like pretty high level suff you're doing. GL bro

  4. I'm in your position too, you're not alone :)
    Great post, followed!

  5. A moment of clarity. They are a beautiful thing ;)

  6. Awesome, glad it worked out for you.

  7. Nice post Hope you really do as good as u think

  8. Oh man, that must have been the best feeling ever.

  9. Im going to have my exam too ;)

  10. Oh how I love that feeling! You probably figured it out because you let go, and your brain cleared and the answer came to you. I had a big smile on my face when I read it. Good for you!

  11. school was great. Except for exams. GL buddy!

  12. Haha. good stuff... Sometimes, during ta test the best thing to do is to just stop everything and take a 20 second break.

  13. I did enjoy every moment at school *lol*
    nice stuff, keep it up!
